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Friday, March 30, 2012

G's Easter Egg Hunt at School

This past Wednesday, G had a Easter egg hunt at her school.
It was held at the softball field adjacent to her school.
The kids were all so cute running around trying to find all the eggs.
And I held E while taking pictures of G and all the kids. She never made a peep, but let me tell you...she was taking notes the entire time! :o)

Coming down the stairs to the field.
G is holding Ms. Wanda's (her teacher) hand.

My child is super sensitive to sunlight.
She wanted me to walk to the car to get her sunglasses.

Finding her first egg.

Running all around.

Still looking.

"I think they're all picked up!"
G and her friend Madelynn.

Looking for more eggs on the inn field.

Lining up to go back inside to her classroom.

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